7 Tips to Make Your Office Energy Efficient

electrician Northern Beaches

Are you searching for various tricks and tips to make your business energy efficient? If yes, then you should follow some rules in your office and observe a significant reduction in your utility bills every month. If you want to learn how to reduce utility bills then read the following points and implement them. These small changes can help you in short-term and long-term energy savings. Have a look at the following points:

1. Call professionals For Energy Audit

If we talk about your business energy cost and utilization, then you should carry out a thorough inspection of your office by calling a professional such as electrician Northern Beaches. The business energy audit will let you know how much you are spending extra on your utility bills. A qualified electrician will let you know how you can increase your energy efficiency and cut expenditure on utility bills.

2. Don’t Waste It

If lights or fans are not in use then immediately turn them OFF. Turning off all the matching and lights during the night or when they are not in use will significantly reduce utility bills. This simple step will let you know how much to spend extra.

You will be amazed by knowing that various devices such as computers, monitors, printers, etc. consume while they are not working but in ON position. Instruct your employees to check their PC is turned OFF before leaving the office.

Tell your employees that they will be fined if they left their PC, light, or AC in on condition. Also, give the responsibility to check every appliance and light during the night before leaving the office. There is one more tip – plug all energy devices into a single power strip, turn them off on your way out the door.

3. Install Energy Efficient Lighting Fixtures

Compact fluorescent light (CFL) or light-emitting diode (LED) bulbs and latest technology lighting fixtures and can help you in saving a lot. So, call the professionals like unitedenergygroup now and immediately replace the old fixture with a new one.

If you replace your single 60-watt bulb with a CFL then you can easily reduce energy bills. Similarly, if you replace the entire office conventional lighting fixtures with the new energy-efficient bulbs then you can easily save hundreds of dollars in a year.

These lighting fixtures are not just energy-efficient but also highly durable. That means you do not have to worry about reducing your electricity bills.  Extended life also helps you in saving in the long term. These lighting fixtures can spend 50 times longer life than conventional bulbs.

4. Install Motion detectors and automatic dimmers

These automatic detectors and dimmers also reduce the wastage of electricity. After a survey, it was uncovered that the lighting system accounts for 20% of utility bills. That means we have to turn off our lighting system when we do not use it.

Get smarter and find out how to use your lighting system in your building. Call professionals like Northern Beaches electrician and install motion detectors in the office area, hallways, conference spaces, and other places where lights are not always needed. Automatic dimming controllers will measure the surrounding lights and automatically fix the illumination as per requirement.

5. Purchase energy-efficient office Equipment

Learn how to lower your electric bill by taking a commercial energy audit when you need new office equipment; be sure to look for the Energy Star logo. Energy Star-labeled computers, monitors, printers, fax machines, scanners, and copiers can run much more efficiently and automatically power down during extended inactivity. Also, if some of these appliances are seldomly used, you can opt for an online tool such as online fax services, printing, and scanning.

This way you can save more than half of energy utilization. In case, your old appliance is not working in an optimum way, it will start drawing unnecessary power and that will, in turn, cost more money. Try to replace your old heating or cooling appliance with a new one.

In case, any appliance in the office is not working efficiently, do not use it again, call the electricians who are always ready to offer their services like emergency electrician Northern Beaches and fix the issue as soon as possible.

6. Maintain Ideal Temperature Smartly

You may be thinking that a cool breeze from the windows of your office is not a big deal. But, it contributes to energy-efficient mechanisms. It is time to make your office building energy efficient by removing weather-stripping, caulk, or foam around your windows and doors to reduce energy consumption.

Also, windows let the natural light move inside your office and make it more illuminated and warmer. Thus, this trick can be helpful during winter in reducing more energy consumption. But during the summer season, you can not apply this trick. Fortunately, there are various window treatments that you can apply during the summer season and improve energy efficiency.

7. Let Your Temperature Maintaining Device Run Smoothly

If you have an air conditioning device then you should replace their filter and do regular maintenance. It will not just increase the efficiency of your air conditioning system but also reduce energy consumption.

Please ensure that areas in front of all vents are clear of furniture and paper. If your Ac vents are blocked that means you are paying 25% more on utility bills. Therefore, you should clean your air conditioning system properly.

Salina is a professional blogger and marketer. She has an excellent talent for writing. She is very much passionate about contributing her ideas on online platforms. Generally, she shared her thoughts on trendy topics such as health, beauty, travel, food, fashion, technology, business, finance, and so on.