The Art of the Cool: Company Swag That Will Turn Heads

company swag

Do you want to make your company as successful as it can possibly be? Of course you do!

And in order to accomplish this goal, you’re going to need to learn how to market it right. Marketing is one of the biggest keys to success for most companies.

There are so many different ways in which you can market your business. It’s going to be up to you to find the most effective ways to go about doing it.

One of your best options might be creating cool company swag that you can give out to both your employees and your customers. You can build up brand recognition and get people more excited about your company by using company swag to your benefit.

Before you start blindly ordering company swag, though, you should kick around some different company swag ideas. You need to invest in the best company swag for it to be beneficial.

Here is how to get your hands on cool company swag and use it to your advantage.

Begin by Taking a Look at All Your Available Company Swag Options

If you think that buying up a bunch of cool company swag might be a good idea for your company, you should start things off by checking out the different types of company swag that are out there. You might be surprised to see just how much company swag is available in this day and age.

When you think about company swag, there is a good chance that T-shirts, hats, pencils, refrigerator magnets, and more come to mind. But it’s worth noting that that’s really only the start when it comes to company swag ideas.

Nowadays, many companies are also investing in other kinds of company swag, including:

  • Cell phone chargers
  • Candles
  • Water bottles
  • Headphones
  • Soaps
  • And more!

There isn’t going to be any shortage of options for those companies that are in the market for cool company swag. You can pretty much transform any object that you want into company swag in 2021.

Think About What Kinds of Swag Suit Your Company Best

Once you’ve sifted through all of the cool company swag that is out there in the world, you’ll want to take a step back and try to decide which kind of company swag is going to work best for your company. It’s all going to depend on what kind of company you’re running.

If you own a company that specializes in selling, say, athletic gear, then you might love the mileage that you’re going to be able to get out of custom water bottles. Your customers and employees are going to be able to use them organically alongside all the other items that you sell.

At the end of the day, most kinds of company swag will work for most businesses. But when you come up with company swag ideas that fit your specific brand, people are going to notice. They love getting free swag from companies that have clearly put some real thought into the swag that they’ve produced.

Figure Out How Much Money You’re Willing to Invest in Company Swag

As you might imagine, you’re going to have to be prepared to spend a nice chunk of change on cool company swag in most cases. It’s going to call for you to make a sizeable investment into the swag that you buy.

This might scare you off at first. But you should keep in mind that your company swag is going to be coming out of your marketing budget. And this budget should represent about 7 to 8% of your gross revenue, which should leave you with plenty of money to play around with as far as buying company swag is concerned.

You should look at your marketing budget and decide how much of it you’re going to devote to buying cool company swag. You shouldn’t be afraid to loosen your purse strings and live a little so that you’re able to obtain company swag that will make a real difference in your company’s success.

Decide How You’re Going to Give Out Company Swag to Your Customers and Employees

Buying the right company swag for your business is only going to be half the battle for you. You’re also going to need to spend some time trying to come up with ways in which you can give out company swag to your customers and employees.

To ensure your company swag has the biggest impact possible, you shouldn’t be shy about coming up with different contests and giveaways for it. You can use social media to drum up interest in your company swag and get people excited about trying to get their hands on it.

People really enjoy the idea of getting free swag from companies, so you should try to create a long list of ways to get your swag into their hands. You might be able to earn yourself some customers for life simply by supplying them with free swag.

Consider Setting Up a Company Swag Store on Your Website

You’re not going to be able to give everyone who walks through your front doors free swag. If you do, you’re going to put your company out of business before long!

But at the same time, you should try to make your cool company swag as accessible as you can to everyone who might want it. To do this, you should consider setting up a company swag store right on your website.

It’s actually a whole lot easier to do this than you might think. This swag management software will help you get started.

With a little luck, you might be able to turn your cool company swag into another source of revenue for your business. You’ll be able to bring in some extra money every month when people start purchasing items from your store.

Evaluate Whether or Not Your Company Swag Is Benefitting Your Bottom Line

If you’re going to go through the process of investing in cool company swag for your business, you want to know that it’s benefitting you in some way in the end. Otherwise, you’re essentially going to be wasting your marketing money on something that’s not producing the intended results.

With this in mind, you should evaluate whether or not your company swag is benefitting your bottom line every so often. You might find that it’s benefitting it in any number of ways.

In some instances, your company swag might be helping you to bring in more money each month. But this is obviously far from the only way in which company swag can help you.

You might also find that company swag is helping you to build up a stronger social media following or that it’s helping to improve your brand recognition. These are both good reasons to continue to create cool company swag for your business.

More often than not, you’re going to find that company swag will benefit you in one way or another. It’s up to you to decide if it’s worth the time and money that you’re putting into it.

Add to Your Company Swag Collection Over Time

It’s entirely possible for cool company swag to turn into un-cool company swag over time. Your company swag is going to start to get a little bit stale if you don’t change it up every year or so.

You should take a good look at your company swag every now and then and see if some of it might need to be updated. You should also consider adding to your company swag collection all the time so that there are always new items for people to check out.

You might even want to go as far as to ask your customers and your employees for suggestions on what kinds of company swag they want to see you create. They might be able to give you some solid company swag ideas that you can start putting to good use.

Whatever you do, don’t ever stop producing new company swag for your business. There are always going to be new avenues for you to explore, and they could help to take your company to the next level in no time at all.

Cool Company Swag Is Going to Make Your Business Bigger and Better Than It Already Is

Technically, your business might be able to survive without cool company swag. But you could very well be missing out on a big opportunity if you don’t ever get around to creating swag for your company.

Now that you have a better idea of how to implement company swag into your marketing strategy, you should go ahead and try to do it. You’re going to be amazed to see what a great reaction your company swag gets when you take the right steps.

Would you like to learn about some of the other ways in which you can market your company more successfully? Get the latest and greatest marketing tips and tricks by browsing through the other articles on our blog.