How to Improve Your Gut Health

gut health

The gut is very complex, and it is also very important for your overall health. For this reason, the gut has become an increasingly researched topic within the medical community. Several studies over the past few decades have shown that there are links between your gut health and your mood, immune system, autoimmune diseases, mental health, skin conditions, endocrine disorders, and cancer. 

Our digestive system was once considered to be a simple system as it is comprised of a long tube that allows food to pass through, be absorbed, and then excreted from the body. 

There is a term called ‘gut microbiome’. This refers to the microorganisms that live inside your intestines. Most people have around 300-500 various species of bacteria in their digestive system. Some microorganisms can be harmful to our health. However, most of them are very beneficial and even necessary to maintain a healthy body. 

Having a range of good bacteria in our gut can help to enhance the functioning of the immune system, combat obesity, and improve depression symptoms, and they can also provide many other benefits.  

Things You Can Do To Improve Your Gut Health

There are many things that can affect our gut microbiome including too little sleep, high levels of stress, eating processed or sugary foods, and taking antibiotics. This can then affect other aspects of our health such as our skin, weight, heart, brain, immune system, hormone levels, our ability to absorb nutrients, and the development of cancer. 

If you are interested in learning more about the symptoms of an unhealthy gut, Dr. Ruscio, a leading doctor of natural medicine, chiropractic, clinical researcher, and author, has created a detailed overview of the signs and symptoms to look out for when it comes to an unhealthy gut. So, If you’re wondering what are the symptoms of an unhealthy gut, take a look at Dr. Ruscio’s guide

There are several things you can do to improve your gut health. Read on for more information on the changes you can make to promote a healthy gut. 

Lower Your Stress Levels

High levels of stress are terrible for your whole body and this includes your gut. 

Some of the best ways to lower stress include walking, exercising, meditation, getting a massage, spending time with people you love, decreasing your caffeine intake, diffusing essential oils, yoga, laughing, and getting a pet. 

Make Sure You Get Enough Sleep

Not getting enough sleep each night can have some very negative impacts on your gut health and this can then contribute to even further sleep issues. 

It’s important to try to get around 7 – 8 hours of sleep each night. If you have trouble sleeping, speak to your doctor for some advice. 

Eat Slowly

Eating slowly can help to promote proper, full digestion and the absorption of important nutrients. Think about the way you eat. Try to chew your food more slowly and thoroughly. 

If you slow down your eating, this can help you to reduce your digestive discomfort and maintain a healthy gut. 

Keep Yourself Hydrated

Drinking enough water each day can have many benefits to your overall health. Plenty of water intake has been proven to have a very positive effect on the mucosal lining of the intestines. Plus, it helps with the balance of good bacteria in the gut. 

Remaining hydrated throughout the day can improve your overall health and promote a healthy gut. 

Check For Any Food Intolerances

If you experience symptoms such as cramping, abdominal pain, bloating, diarrhea, nausea, rashes, acid reflux, and fatigue, this may be due to food intolerance. 

You may want to try eliminating some common trigger foods to see if this improves the symptoms. If you can identify which foods are contributing to your symptoms, remove these from your diet. 

Change Your Diet

Changing your diet so that the amount of high-sugar, processed and high-fat foods is reduced can help to contribute to better gut health. 

Eating plenty of plant-based foods and lean proteins can also have a positive impact on your gut. Increasing your fiber has also been proven to contribute to a healthy gut microbiome. 

Foods That Are Good For Your Gut Health

There are several types of foods that are linked to promoting a healthy gut. These foods include the ones listed below. 

Foods That Are High In Fiber

Foods that are high in fiber like beans, bananas, legumes, peas, oats, asparagus, berries, and leeks have been proven to have a positive impact on gut health. Several studies have proven the link between fibrous foods and gut health. 

Onion and Garlic 

Onions and garlic may have some immune system-enhancing and anti-cancer properties. This is according to numerous studies on the links between various types of food and the healthiness of the gut. 

Fermented Foods

Fermented foods such as yogurt, kimchi, miso, sauerkraut, tempeh, and kefir are excellent dietary sources of positive probiotics. 

The quality of these foods can vary. However, the benefits of these foods on the health of the gut have been proven in many studies. 

Collagen-Boosting Foods

Foods that are rich in collagen are also great for your overall health and your gut health. This can include things such as salmon and bone broth. 

Try adding a variety of foods to your diet including mushrooms, certain meats, and good dairy as well to help boost your body’s natural production of collagen. 

Final Thoughts 

The human gut is a very complex system and has a huge impact on the health of the rest of your body. A healthy gut can help to contribute to heart health, brain health, a strong immune system, healthy sleep, improved mood, and effective digestion. It can also help to prevent certain types of cancers and autoimmune diseases. 

As you can see there are several life changes that you can make to improve your gut health including drinking more water, eating slowly, getting enough sleep, and reducing your levels of stress. Making these small lifestyle changes will not only benefit your gut, but it will also help to benefit your overall health as a result.