Is Sculptra Safe or Risky? A Closer Look at the Facts


No one wants to go to their 20th high school reunion and be mistaken for one of their former teachers. Sadly, that can easily happen once you begin to collect lines and wrinkles. 

And honestly, unless you do something, the situation will only grow worse. The lines will get deeper and the wrinkles will multiply.

But if you take action now, you can smooth those lines and plump up the wrinkled areas with a product called Sculptra. And it doesn’t require surgery.

But is Sculptra safe? In this article, we’ll look at the history of Sculptra and its safety track record. We’ll give you all the information you need to decide how good you want to look for your next high school reunion.

Is Sculptra Safe?

The FDA has granted approval to Sculptra on three occasions. The latest occurred in the spring of 2023. 

The FDA issued approval for the use of Sculptra to treat the cheek area’s fine lines and wrinkles. The 2023 approval comes after an initial approval in 2004 and a second in 2009.

The initial approval was to fight one of the effects of HIV. Patients with HIV can suffer a noticeable loss of fat in the face (lipoatrophy), causing a hollow, haggard appearance. The approval in 2009 was for the correction of the nasolabial fold and other facial wrinkles.

Who Should Avoid Sculptra?

Most adults are candidates for Sculptra treatments as long as they have healthy immune systems. But Sculptra is not for people with strong reactions to its ingredients. 

It contains principally poly-L-lactic acid or PLLA. Other chemicals present are carboxymethylcellulose and non-pyrogenic mannitol.

The FDA also warns the following people against using Sculptra: 

  • Severe allergy sufferers with multiple allergies and anaphylaxis reactions
  • People who tend to heal with elevated scarring, such as keloids and hypertrophic scarring
  • Those allergic to anesthesia  

What is Sculptra’s Safety Record? 

Products that are ruled safe and go to market may later be removed if a danger to the public is discovered. However, Sculptra has yet to be withdrawn from any of its markets. 

Besides the US, it’s now approved for use in the following countries: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Colombia, EU/EFTA, Hong Kong, Israel, Lebanon, Malaysia, Mexico, New Zealand, Philippines, Puerto Rico, Russia, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Singapore, South Korea, Taiwan, Turkey, UAE, and UK.

How is Sculptra like a Non-Surgical Facelift?

Sculptra is an injectable derma filler available to treat fine lines, wrinkles and other signs of the loss of skin elasticity. According to a clinical study cited by the FDA, participants experienced excellent results with a series of up to four injections. The same study noted that the results could last up to two years.

Sculptra doesn’t remain in your system long-term. After it’s accomplished its purpose, it’s broken down by the body and consumed. 

The key to Sculptra’s success is its ability to trigger the body to produce more collagen. Collagen is the body’s most abundant protein. But collagen production reduces with age.

What Should You Know About Sculptra Injections?

The doctor will need to antiseptically clean the injection site. So it’s practical not to wear makeup during your office visit. 

After the site is cleaned, the doctor may use a topical or local anesthetic to numb the injection site. Typically, the anesthesia is a solution of lidocaine hydrochloride. The doctor then injects Sculptra beneath the skin. 

The injection locations are designated areas chosen by the doctor and patient. These are areas where collagen is needed to plump the skin, smoothing its appearance.

After the injection, the doctor will carefully massage the filler to evenly distribute it.

Sculptra injections are administered over a series of office visits. Typically, the visits require four to six weeks and include two to six sessions. Sculptra patient experiences show that most people are able to return to their normal day’s activities immediately following a session.

The doctor, such as your dermatologist in Delray Beach, will assess your progress to determine if additional treatments are necessary. 

What Are the Sculptra Side Effects?

The FDA says that Sculptra users seldom report serious side effects. But there may be a tendency for more noticeable reactions when injections occur around the eyes. 

Let’s look at a couple of the serious side effects that have been reported. Then we’ll discuss the more common side effects.

Possible Serious Side Effects

Papules or nodules occur in some people at the site where the injection needle penetrates the skin. Generally, they don’t appear until at least a month or two after the session. Sometimes they don’t present themselves until over a year later. 

Some nodules disappear without treatment, while others require minor intervention. The typical treatment is an injection of a corticosteroid at the site of the nodule.

Granulomas, a group of small raised bumps caused by an immune reaction, also typically only appear several months after a Sculptra injection. Granulomas, which are harmless, can also be treated with corticosteroids.

Common Minor Side Effects

Swelling at the injection site is typical for patients. The swelling will subside without treatment. But your doctor will inform you what you can safely use to reduce the swelling, such as a cold compress.

Pain and tenderness at the injection site is expected. Normally, the discomfort will be no more than what you would generally feel from any type of injection. If the pain persists, inform your doctor to receive specific instructions for treatment.

What is Sculptra Long-Term Use?

Sculptra works with the body to improve appearance, so there’s no overnight miracle. The injections stimulate the natural production of collagen. 

Depending on the patient and the condition of the skin, proper collagen production can take about six months. But typically, patients will experience a noticeable improvement in mere weeks.

The effects of Sculptra can last for about two years. During that time, you can assist your body to keep a youthful appearance by maintaining a good program of eating properly, getting a full night’s rest, and regularly exercising. You should also avoid such unfriendly skin activities as tanning. 

Read Additional Healthcare and Beauty Articles 

Now you know how to answer your friends when they ask: is Sculptra safe? But Sculptra is just one of many healthcare and beauty treatments available today.

Keep up with the latest face and body regimens by becoming a regular reader of this blog.

Salina is a professional blogger and marketer. She has an excellent talent for writing. She is very much passionate about contributing her ideas on online platforms. Generally, she shared her thoughts on trendy topics such as health, beauty, travel, food, fashion, technology, business, finance, and so on.