A Guide For Ironing Your School Uniforms

School Uniforms

With the summer vacation coming to an end, it is time to start going to school again. Sending your kids to school is the most hectic part of the day. From fixing their lunch to making sure that they bathe and dress up on time, you need to be on their toes constantly to get the kids ready for school. However, have you ever paid notice to the school uniform of your kids? Do the uniforms look like an eyesore with all its wrinkles and creases? If yes, then you need to invest in an ironing service right away.

Ironing school uniforms on a school day can be quite taxing. Moreover, you may not be able to spare any time for ironing your kids’ uniforms. If you are a working parent with kids and zero time on your hands, then you may get in touch with Hello Laundry right away. Hello Laundry in London offers the best laundry, ironing, and dry cleaning services. The agents of Hello Laundry will collect the school uniforms from your doorstep and deliver ironed uniforms to you within a day.

However, if you would rather iron your kids’ school uniforms at home, then this guide here will be of great help to you.

How to choose the right ironing service for school uniforms?

If you do not have an iron at home, then it is time for you to log into Amazon or drop in at your nearest departmental store. Keep the following factors in mind while choosing an iron:

#1 – Pick a steam iron:

A steam iron works wonders for stubborn wrinkles. The constant outflow of steam at high pressure helps in smoothing the creases and fold lines easily. The steam iron helps in lending a professionally ironed look to the school uniforms. Moreover, it takes very little time for the steam to iron out the toughest creases. Steam ironing also helps in maintaining the texture and durability of the fabric and is pretty safe for use as well. You can even teach your kids to iron their school uniforms with the steam iron.

#2 – Opt for a cordless iron:

A cordless iron is quick and easy to use. Cut out the trouble of untangling wires and searching for three-pin sockets in your room by buying a cordless steam iron. Smoothen the creases out in no time simply by gliding the cordless iron over the school shirts and shorts.

#3 – Make sure that the iron is lightweight:

While you may not be carrying your steam iron around in your handbag, yet, it is important to make sure that the iron is lightweight. It requires a lot of strength to drag heavyweight irons over clothes. Moreover, such irons are generally for professional use to iron laundry in bulk. For ironing clothes such as school shirts, shorts, and skirts, at home, it is easier and more convenient to go for a lightweight iron.

#4 – Do not forget to read user reviews:

User reviews on Amazon and Flipkart indicate a wealth of information regarding the working condition of the steam iron. While the manufacturer makes tall claims about his products, reviewers provide accurate information about the product flaws, if any. Make sure that you are not purchasing a flawed product by reading the reviews thoroughly.

An easy guide to ironing school uniforms:

School uniforms generally include shirts, shorts, trousers, skirts, blouses, blazers, and coats. The ways to understand the different pieces of school uniforms are described below:

Shirts and blouses:

For ironing shirts and blouses, always remember to begin at the collar. Use the steam iron tip to iron the collar. Iron the yoke and then move on to the sleeves, one at a time. Do not forget to use a flat ironing board while ironing the shirt. Iron the back of the shirt, and then the front. End it by ironing the area around the buttons with the tip of the steam iron.

Shorts and trousers:

Ironing shorts and shirts is pretty easy. Simply glide the iron from the top to the hems of the pants to straighten out the wrinkles. Remember to iron the front of the pants and back to make them appear crisp and stylish.

Pleated skirts and dresses:

Arrange the pleats carefully before ironing the pleated fabric. Use a pin to hold the pleats in place and then start ironing gently. Do not glide the iron over the pin as that might damage the iron. Glide the iron from the top to the hem according to the arrangement of the pleats. Remember to pull out the pins while ironing the pleats.

Coats and blazers:

Flip the coats and blazers inside out to iron the fabric. It is recommended to keep a cloth on top of the blazer to prevent direct contact between the iron and the fabric.


Wearing an ironed uniform makes your child look smart and confident at school. Spare an hour every weekend to iron the kids’ school uniforms. Reach out to the professionals at Hello Laundry to get your kids’ uniforms ironed on time.

Salina is a professional blogger and marketer. She has an excellent talent for writing. She is very much passionate about contributing her ideas on online platforms. Generally, she shared her thoughts on trendy topics such as health, beauty, travel, food, fashion, technology, business, finance, and so on.