How Long Does It Take to Overcome Addiction?

Overcome Addiction

According to a recent survey, 19% of Americans say that they have been addicted to drugs or alcohol, had a drug overdose, or were homeless due to addiction. Two-thirds of people also said a family member has struggled in the same way.

Millions of people have addiction issues, but there is hope for change. If you’re struggling with addiction and ready to get on the road to recovery, this guide is for you.

How long does it take to overcome addiction? Keep reading to find out.

How Long Does It Take to Get Over an Addiction?

The addiction cycle takes time to break. But how long does it take to get over an addiction? The exact time varies from individual to individual.

Eliminating the presence of drugs or alcohol in the body won’t take long. Breaking bad habits takes the most time.

Psychologists agree that creating a new habit takes around 21 days, but this doesn’t ring true for breaking an addiction. An existing habit, especially a long one, can take time to break depending on these factors:

  • Behaviors, feelings, and thoughts encouraging addiction
  • The length of time you’ve used addictive substances
  • How motivated you are to change
  • The physical, social, and emotional awards you experience when you use substances

The National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) recommends spending at least 90 days in an addiction recovery program. Americas Rehab Campuses can help you get started.

90 Days of Treatment to Become Addiction-Free

Getting 90 days of treatment to break an addiction is research-backed. Addiction is a brain disease. The brain’s prefrontal cortex needs 90 days to regain analytical functioning for proper decision-making.

Also known as the “sleeper effect,” this discovery helps explain why 90-day rehab programs are more successful compared to shorter addiction treatment programs.

Many people relapse after receiving addiction treatment, but the numbers are largely attributed to those who were in treatment for less than 90 days.

Remaining in treatment for the full 90 days allows:

  • Your brain to heal from the effects of alcohol and drug use
  • You to master skills learned in recovery
  • New patterns to become healthy habits

Leaving a treatment program before you’ve changed harmful habits into positive ones can increase your risk of relapse.

Addiction Treatment Aftercare

After 90 days of treatment, you aren’t completely cured of addiction. The truth is that addiction lasts a lifetime.

Addiction is a chronic condition that requires a complete lifestyle change to keep it under control.

People in the recovery stage must maintain their sobriety with aftercare. This might involve:

  • Individual therapy
  • Support groups
  • 12-step meetings
  • Outpatient program treatment

Aftercare will help you stay on track and keep you practicing the coping mechanisms you learned in rehab.

Start Your Sobriety Journey Today

How long does it take to get over an addiction? If you’re asking yourself this question, you’re already thinking about getting clean.

Breaking an addiction can take time and there is no exact number. Every individual is different and may require various programs and aftercare.

It’s recommended to join a 90-day program to detox from addictive substances and learn positive behaviors. Upon completion, continue making active efforts to maintain your sobriety.

Start your sobriety journey today! For more valuable information like this, check out our other blog posts.

Salina is a professional blogger and marketer. She has an excellent talent for writing. She is very much passionate about contributing her ideas on online platforms. Generally, she shared her thoughts on trendy topics such as health, beauty, travel, food, fashion, technology, business, finance, and so on.