Just Joined A Remote Company? Here’s What You Need

Remote Company

It is becoming much more common for people to work remotely across the world. If you have just joined a remote company for the first time, then you may not be sure how to get started. This marks a significant moment in your career journey and a shift toward the future of work. Each organization has its unique culture, tools, and practices. To help you transition smoothly, we’ve crafted this comprehensive guide.

Embracing the remote work life can be both thrilling and challenging. Thrilling, because of the flexibility and freedom it brings – no commute, a more personalized workspace, and often, a better work-life balance. Yet, it can also be challenging, due to communication nuances, potential isolation, and the need for high self-discipline.

Your Space, Your Rules

One of the first things you’ll need when joining a remote company is a well-organised, comfortable workspace. Remote work affords you the luxury to design your work environment according to your preferences and needs.

Your workspace should be an area that motivates and encourages productivity. A cluttered desk can often lead to a cluttered mind, so take the time to create an environment that is clean, organized, and free from distractions. While you might be tempted to work from your cozy bed or comfortable couch, studies show that having a designated workspace can drastically improve focus and efficiency.

Furthermore, consider investing in ergonomic furniture to support your physical well-being. Hours spent in a poorly positioned chair or squinting at a laptop screen can lead to significant health issues over time. Prioritise items like an adjustable chair, a standing desk, or perhaps even a keyboard and mouse designed for comfort.

Tools and Technology

Once you’ve set up your physical workspace, it’s time to gear up with the necessary digital tools. Remote work relies heavily on technology to bridge the distance between team members. While your company would generally provide a suite of tools, it’s essential to familiarise yourself and gain proficiency.

A stable, high-speed internet connection is your first priority, serving as your highway to the virtual office. Dropped video calls or slow loading times can lead to frustration and decreased productivity. If possible, have a backup option in case your primary internet connection fails.

Alongside this, acquaint yourself with the different communication and collaboration platforms your company uses. These may include video conferencing software, instant messaging tools, project management apps, and document-sharing platforms. Practice using these tools until you’re comfortable with their features.

PDF tools are essential in remote work environments. They enable us to create, edit, annotate, and sign documents digitally. They remove the need for physical paperwork, making document management and collaboration significantly more efficient. PDFs (Portable Document Format) are a staple in business communication due to their compatibility across devices and operating systems, maintaining formatting and layout regardless of the device they are viewed on.

Various online tools allow you to convert different file formats into PDFs and vice versa. For instance, you may need to convert a Word document into a PDF before sharing it with your team to maintain the formatting. Conversely, you might need to convert a PDF to an editable format to make changes. These tools are available online from places such as PDF Tools, which can be found at pdf-tools.com. It’s good to have tools like these on hand for various remote work applications.

Communication is Key

In a remote environment, clear and concise communication is crucial. Absent face-to-face interactions and non-verbal cues, misunderstandings can arise, and a sense of isolation can creep in. Therefore, mastering the art of remote communication is a must.

One tip is to over-communicate – share your thoughts, ideas, and progress updates regularly. Let your team know when you’ll be away from your desk and ensure that you maintain responsive communication throughout the day. Transparency helps to build trust among remote teams.

Moreover, understand the different communication channels at your disposal and their appropriate uses. For example, quick queries and discussions can take place on instant messaging platforms, while more complex topics may need a video call for clear communication. An email might be appropriate for updates that don’t require immediate attention.

Nurturing Relationships and Networking

Joining a new company remotely doesn’t mean you can’t establish meaningful relationships with your coworkers. Even though you may never meet them in person, there are ways to nurture professional relationships and network effectively in a remote setting.

Make it a point to participate in team activities and socials, which are great opportunities to connect with your team on a more personal level. Virtual coffee chats, happy hours, or game sessions are increasingly popular in remote work culture.

Don’t hesitate to reach out to coworkers individually to understand their roles better or simply check in on them. Just as you would have casual chats at the water cooler in a physical office, small talk and casual conversations in the digital workspace can go a long way in building rapport.

Setting Boundaries

While remote work gives you the liberty to work from the comfort of your home, it can blur the lines between your personal life and work. It’s crucial to establish boundaries and adhere to them to prevent burnout.

One way to do this is to stick to a schedule. Even though you have the freedom to work at your convenience, it helps to have a structure to your day, much like a regular office. Designate a start time, breaks, and most importantly, an end time for your workday. This not only helps maintain work-life balance but also ensures you are available when your team needs you.

Also, learn to say no when required. You might be tempted to extend your work hours or take on more tasks than you can handle due to the flexibility remote work offers. However, this can lead to stress and decrease productivity in the long run. Be honest about your capacity and learn to prioritize tasks effectively.

Continuing Professional Development

Working remotely doesn’t mean your professional development has to take a back seat. Many companies offer resources for learning and development; make sure to take advantage of them.

Set clear career goals and share them with your manager. They can guide you on the right path and provide you with the necessary resources to achieve those goals. Regular check-ins and feedback sessions are also important to stay aligned with your team’s objectives and expectations.

If your company offers mentorship programs, don’t hesitate to get involved. A mentor can offer invaluable guidance, particularly in navigating the nuances of the remote work environment. If such a program isn’t available, consider seeking a mentor outside of your organization.

Overcoming Remote Work Challenges

No matter how well you prepare, you’re bound to face some challenges in your remote work journey. Don’t worry – it’s all part of the process. Recognising these challenges and finding effective ways to overcome them will make your remote work experience much more rewarding.

Feeling isolated is a common concern among remote workers. To counteract this, regularly engage with your team through video calls and social activities. Furthermore, joining online communities of remote workers can provide a sense of belonging and offer useful advice.

Another challenge is dealing with distractions at home. Set clear boundaries with your family or housemates regarding your work hours. Use headphones to block out noise, and if necessary, use tools that restrict access to distracting websites during work hours.


It might seem daunting at first, but remember that every transition takes time. You’re not alone in this – millions of people have successfully made the transition and so can you. Use this guide to navigate through your initial days, and don’t forget to enjoy the journey. Welcome to the future of work!