7 Motorcycle Safety Tips Every Rider Should Know

motorcycle safety

You’ve just bought the motorcycle of your dreams, with a purring engine and chrome shining in the sun. But before you hit the road for the first time, do you know how to keep your new bike (and, more importantly, yourself) safe on the road?

Motorcycle riding is a much different set of skills than driving a car, as riders are much more exposed, meaning even minor accidents can result in serious injury. It helps to know more about how to ride safely, as this can reduce your risk.

To learn more, keep reading to find seven important motorcycle safety tips to help you make the most of each ride.

1. Invest in the Right Motorcycle Safety Gear

To stay safe on the road, you need to have the right motorcycle gear. This will protect your body in case of an accident and can make the difference between life and death.

Always ride with a helmet, closed-toe shoes, body armor, and long pants and a jacket, designed to protect your skin. Even on hot days, don’t sacrifice your gear, as any exposed skin can get shredded if you fall off of your bike̦—seriously painful.

You’ll want motorcycle gloves too, as they improve your grip, keep your hands warm, and protect your hands and fingers if you have an accident. American Legend Rider is a great brand for motorcycle accessories—here is their selection of gloves.

2. Check the Weather Before Heading Out

One of our top motorcycle safety tips is to always check the weather forecast before a ride. Sure, riding can be amazing on a clear, bright day, but the weather can change quickly, putting your safety at risk.

During rain and snow, the roads become slick, which is a massive danger to riders, at risk of skidding off the road. If rain is forecast, it’s best to postpone your ride.

Or, if you absolutely have to ride, slow down and take your time, especially on curves and bends.

Fog and cloud coverage can also impact your visibility, making riding more dangerous. It’s a good idea to keep a weather app on your phone, so you’re never caught out unprepared.

3. Never Drink and Ride

The fun of riding often goes well with beers, but never enjoy a drink until your bike is safely put away for the evening. As with driving a car, never drink and drive—not only is it illegal, but it’s a huge risk to yourself and others on the road.

Tragically, around 28% of motorcycle fatalities are due to alcohol use, a horrible combination that will never end well.

When we drink, we lose both our inhibitions and our ability to focus, meaning you won’t be able to safely control your bike.

If you and your friends are out for a ride and end up at the bar, do the right thing—call a cab home and come back the next day to get your motorcycle.

4. Have Your Bike Serviced Regularly

One of the best ways to stay safe on the road is with preventative maintenance. Bikes are complex machines, and if they’re not looked after well, things are likely to go wrong, resulting in a breakdown or accident.

To avoid this, find a talented bike mechanic who you can count on for regular bike maintenance. When your bike is a well-oiled machine, it’s less likely to give you trouble when you’re riding.

5. Scan the Road for Debris

Paying close attention to the road is key to staying safe—never let your focus drift away from the road, as this is an easy way to cause an accident.

All it takes is a piece of trash or a tree branch to knock your bike off balance. To avoid this, constantly scan the road ahead of you, both straight ahead and further along, helping you avoid accidents.

6. Be Patient

When you’re cruising on your bike, you might be in a hurry to get to your destination, but avoid speeding. Speeding greatly increases your chances of accidents, plus leaves you at risk of getting a speeding ticket.

If you find yourself caught in traffic, try not to dart in and out of other cars, as this might leave you in another driver’s blind spot, which can result in you and your bike getting hit by a car.

7. Consider Investing in a Motorcycle Safety Course

If you don’t ride often, or if it’s been a while since you rode, it’s a good idea to sign up for a weekend motorcycle safety course.

This will increase your confidence by giving you more skills and defensive riding techniques, which can reduce your risk of an accident. Plus, it can be a fun way to meet other motorcycle riders.

Undertaking regular safety courses might also give you a discount on your insurance costs, so it’s certainly worth the effort.

Use These Motorcycle Safety Tips to Ride With Confidence

To enjoy riding for years to come, you need to take motorcycle safety seriously. The tips above should give you some food for thought—we recommend always taking a few minutes before each ride to inspect your bike, make sure everything looks ok, and think about how you’ll stay safe on the highway.

This is particularly true if you’re a newer rider, as you want to develop safe habits that will last a lifetime. That way, every ride on your gorgeous motorcycle will be a safe one!

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