What Are the Different Types of Disabilities That Exist Today?

Types of Disabilities

Millions of dollars are spent on disability benefits in the United States, but not everyone understands common disability diagnoses. When it comes to understanding types of disabilities, it’s good to cover all the necessary ground.

So what are the different types of disabilities? What are some of the common categories and how do they differ?

That’s what we’re here to look at today. Read on to find out more about the common types of disabilities that exist today.

What is a Disability?

A disability is any condition that affects the body or mind, making it difficult for a person to go through everyday life. Those with disabilities have impairments that affect how they interact with the world.

While the term “people with disabilities” is tossed around as a generalization, it’s actually a very diverse group. Two people with the same disability are often affected in very different ways.

With this being the case, there is a wide variety of disabilities commonly recognized by employers and organizations around the world. One of the most common of these disabilities is vision impairment.


Those who are blind or have partial vision have vision impairments. Minor vision impairments can evolve into more serious conditions such as ocular trauma or blindness.


Individuals with partial or complete loss of hearing, or deafness, are categorized as having hearing disabilities. They often use hearing aids or other forms of communication due to their condition.

Mental Health

When it comes to mental health, there are dozens of different ways a person can be affected. Whether someone is suffering from bipolar disorder or anxiety, they’re still categorized as having a mental health disability.

While a mental health disability is a wide-arching category, it’s important to recognize individuals who are affected. Whatever their condition may be, mental health is known to affect your everyday life and activities.


Those whose mobility, dexterity, and stamina are affected by a physical condition have physical disabilities. They’re often experts on their own condition and there’s a good chance they’ve had their condition since birth.


Those with intellectual disabilities often have limited skills needed to live in any given community. That is, they have communication, self-care, and social limitations that make everyday life difficult.

Disability Benefits

Luckily, Americans can receive benefits based on their various disabilities. There are plenty of state and federal programs that help those with disabilities stay in the workforce and go about everyday life.

Depending on the program, you might have to fill out a slew of documents to apply for disability benefits. There are also different criteria that applicants need to meet before they can apply, and those often vary by state.

If you live in Nevada and want to apply for disability benefits, you’ll need to know how to file properly. Check out this link to find out how to get it done the right way.

Understanding the Types of Disabilities

Understanding the different types of disabilities is complicated, but it’s always good to have an understanding of the different criteria. Use this guide to have some knowledge of the different types of disabilities today.

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Salina is a professional blogger and marketer. She has an excellent talent for writing. She is very much passionate about contributing her ideas on online platforms. Generally, she shared her thoughts on trendy topics such as health, beauty, travel, food, fashion, technology, business, finance, and so on.