Why is B2B lead generation different from B2C?

B2B lead generation

Where B2B lead generation deals with business ventures and companies, B2C lead generation deals with individual consumers. In spite of the fact that numerous individuals may feel that firms are also customers since they are generally composed of unique individuals who make the decisions, these kinds of the lead generation approach differ a lot in their strategies. As buyers, both have somewhat various necessities with regards to building contact and rapport with brands. 

So, what are those points on which B2B lead generation differs from B2C lead generation? Have a look at the key differences mentioned below – 

#1. Difference of content

B2B customers are generally more educated on the grounds that they will in general do much more research prior to making a buy than B2C customers. This implies that they commonly require more significant content quality including free contextual studies, infographics, and white papers to poke them towards the sales pipeline. 

Then again, marketers try to the attention of B2C customers during their “purchasing stage.” Lead generation content for B2C frequently come in the types of interesting and thrilling offers, promotions, and personalized email follow-ups, etc.

#2. Time-period and Resources 

Work done in B2B lead generation is regularly more complex and hard since the agreements with organizations are normally a lot bigger than contracts made with purchasers in B2C. The measure of time and resources devoted to buying are regularly bigger in the B2B world. That is why it takes months or even a long time to finish a sales cycle length. B2C sales cycles and transactions, in general, are a lot more limited and normally include far less cash.

#3. Social Media Audience

In B2B Sales Practices, LinkedIn is the social media center point of experts and business executives. Hence, B2B marketers can use LinkedIn to arrive at leaders and influencers in the business domain. With respect to B2C, their crowd is wherever on social media, so it bodes well to be noticeable on these three stages: Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube. 

Obviously, this doesn’t imply that you just need to concentrate on LinkedIn for B2B and the best three for B2C. The main three stages can likewise be used by B2B marketers to target business clients; your content simply needs to coordinate the elements of the specific stage you’re utilizing.

#4. Selling of products and services 

As B2B marketer’s main focus is trust, products or services are traded by professional (and sometimes personal) connections or networks that are worked over the long run. B2B customers regularly make buys from individuals they know personally or from people with which they’ve constructed a professional relationship. 

Then again, B2C items and services make deals through price recognition and quality.  Customers do not even know representatives personally or professionally within a company before making a purchase decision. 

#5. Purpose and Objectives 

While both B2B and B2C lead generation marketers always expect to make a great deal, their primary objectives are very unique. While B2C attempts to pull in customer’s attention in an exceptionally immersed market, a decent B2B lead generation campaign endeavors to create an individual relationship with prospects dependent on trust so when they are prepared to make a buying choice, your image is the primary thing that rings a bell on their ears.

#6. Interaction 

B2C manages people who have the whole authority on their buying decisions. 

B2B marketers have to face groups or departments inside an organization, and this includes fulfilling the needs and explicit necessities of various teams of a firm that may impact the decision-making cycle. This sort of interaction is crucial in bringing a deal to a close, and keeping up friendships with B2B customers.

#7. Price of the products or services

Obviously, getting a product or service at a lower cost is great, yet in B2B, the most reduced price guarantee is an expectation, not a reward. At the point when B2B customers react, they regularly have the expectation of making a purchase inside an allocated spending plan. It’s all about convincing them about the product or service’s worth. 

As for B2C customers, getting the most reduced price guarantee is vital as they are, generally, going by their cash. Also, the fact that there are probably many other serious offers available.

#8. Buyers’ mentality towards spontaneous calls 

Proficient calls, in any event, when spontaneous, are regularly assumed to be received only during business hours in B2B. These calls are for introductions of a new product or to convey and drop a few materials for future reference. These are all important for the work. 

But, for B2C customers, spontaneous calls are frequently seen as an attack on their personal space or privacy. This is the reason B2C advertisers depend more on authorization marketing strategies to connect with their target people group. 

#9. Understanding of the products or services

B2B marketers handle the people who have the power to make decisions for their companies and who may have subsequent inquiries or worries that should be attended to immediately. 

This implies that B2B marketers should be knowledgeable related to their products or services information and show themselves as a “Mckinsey” in that particular niche in order to handle every small or big concern of their prospects. 

Concerning B2C marketers, item information is likewise essential. Nonetheless, arousing the client’s curiosity is normally enough to get the show on the road. As B2C audiences conduct less research compared to B2B audiences and rely more on pricing and discounts, a marketer must try to inform them in layman’s terms with thrilling offers.


You should keep in mind these bases of differences as they can assist you by staying away from botches when creating B2B lead generation ideas or strategies. While both offer a similar objective of enhancing and generating new clients. The methodologies needed to address a prospect’s necessities are quite different.
You can not get leads in your sales funnel and boost your conversion rates on their own, so knowing enough which is reasonably expected about a specific prospect will help you better pick your strategies and develop your lead generation activities.

Salina is a professional blogger and marketer. She has an excellent talent for writing. She is very much passionate about contributing her ideas on online platforms. Generally, she shared her thoughts on trendy topics such as health, beauty, travel, food, fashion, technology, business, finance, and so on.